(707)-267-0304 eamay@gmail.com

Experience Rolfing

Structural integration is a manual therapy and movement training that helps people to improve posture, reduce pain and heighten body awareness.

Relieve Aches and Pains

Give feedback to your nervous system by working with the innervated layers of fascia to help remap your body and relieve pain.

Improve Self-Awareness

We often move through life with unnecessary tension, whether at our desks, in the kitchen, on the road, or exercising.

Lengthen and Balance

Create room in the body for newly released tightened or shortened tissue.

Enhance Physical Performance

Take your movement practice to the next level by finding ease in your body.


Improve Posture

Many of us are maladapted to the effects of gravity on our bodies– Rolfing realigns our bodies to flow with gravity.


Increase Flexibility

Work with range of motion of the joints by freeing up ‘stuck’ tissue, allowing your body to move the way it was meant to.

Come and experience what your body has been craving

Learn your body.

Stretch the possibilities.

Emily May.  Certified Rolfer

Contact Info

463 B Trinity Street
Trinidad, CA 95570

Hours Available By Appointment